Fluid retention




waterfall dietI have not been feeling all that great lately. My ankles have been holding fluids. Tight fitting socks didn’t help either. Then I tried knee highs with light support and it pushed the fluid up to my knees. Can’t go up and down steps, can kneel, it was the pits!

I didn’t’ want to go to the doctors, so decided to do some research online. Found that I needed to walk around and not sit so long. Drinking enough water was important too, and I was lacking in that area. Particularly during the day when I am at my 9-5 job. I would only get in about 2 cups of water a day. I was probably dehydrated. I  didn’t realize that my joints needed more water to get rid of the fluid.

My varicose veins were yelling at me!.

So I checked out a book that I found on- line called “WaterFall Diet” Thank goodness our bodies tell us when something is not right and that we need to pay attention to what we are putting in our mouths. Been contemplating on this subject lately. Our bodies are like a machine, it needs care too. You wouldn’t run your car with out oil, so there are certain care we need to do for our bodies if we want to carry on longer.

So I have given up sugar and noticed now my varicose veins stopped yelling at me!  I started thinking about all the process food we buy for convenience, but is it really ruining our health?… yes. They have too much sugar and salt in them. I had not really thought about cereal in that way before. I compared all the cereal we had in the cupboard that was purchase for higher fiber diet and the salt and sugar content was way overboard. I didn’t’ want to stick that in my body. So I have gone back to regular oatmeal and I take frozen cherries and put them in a  blender  and then on my cereal now.

I am eating more salads. I tried using roasted sunflower seeds/unsalted along with silvered almonds they are so good. Having a gourmet salad every day for lunch. I am eating more fresh veg and fruit, less red meats. Occasionally fish as I am in search of new recipes to try. . I like nuts and which is great for snack.. not to many, but enough for serving.

When I am sitting at my desk now, I try to drink water on the hour now. We have stacks that I can walk around and been doing that so my circulation in my legs get moving too.

The book recommended staying away from wheat, so I did it for two weeks, then last night I had sandwich using bread and this morning I don’t feel so good. So following some of her suggestions is the good thing as my first two weeks I was feeling really great. But now I have gone back a step or two. So gotta start up again and do what I did in the beginning. One night I had fresh snowpeas and rice cakes for dinner. I was totally full.

This would be good for artist, authors, and creative people that sit or stand for long periods of time. Hope this will help someone along the way.

Mary O. @ Prairie Pine Peddler

Connect with nature, wear down-to earth Jewelry!

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